Hoeben, E. M., Spreen, M., Berg, M. van den, & Bogaerts, S. (2011). Informeel toezicht tijdens de resocialisatie in een tbs-behandeling. Toepassing van FSNA als sociale interventie in de forensische psychiatrie. PROCES, 90(1), 26-41.
In this study Forensic Social Network Analysis (FSNA) as an social intervention method on behaviour of forensic psychiatric patients on leave is described. It is assumed that FSNA takes effect through social control and social support of significant network members. Fifteen patients from Forensic Psychiatric Centre Dr. S. van Mesdag (The Netherlands) and over fifty of their significant others have been interviewed during this study. The results imply that during the rehabilitation-phase less incidents and violations of parole orders were caused by patients on which FSNA was applied. This supports the positive role of significant others of patients during the rehabilitation-phase and perhaps in forensic psychiatric supervision. Article was published in Dutch.
In this study Forensic Social Network Analysis (FSNA) as an social intervention method on behaviour of forensic psychiatric patients on leave is described. It is assumed that FSNA takes effect through social control and social support of significant network members. Fifteen patients from Forensic Psychiatric Centre Dr. S. van Mesdag (The Netherlands) and over fifty of their significant others have been interviewed during this study. The results imply that during the rehabilitation-phase less incidents and violations of parole orders were caused by patients on which FSNA was applied. This supports the positive role of significant others of patients during the rehabilitation-phase and perhaps in forensic psychiatric supervision. Article was published in Dutch.