Organized events
I like to organize and initiate seminars and other gatherings. The list below gives a brief impression of the many get-togethers I have arranged over the past years.
Seminar 'Situational explanations for adolescent deviance'
March 8, 2016.
International seminar, financed by the NSCR. In this seminar, we discussed recent research findings to determine what physical and social contexts are likely to evoke adolescent delinquency and substance use. The seminar also focused on adolescence as a period of high diversity in routine activities and life events.
Click here for the program
March 8, 2016.
International seminar, financed by the NSCR. In this seminar, we discussed recent research findings to determine what physical and social contexts are likely to evoke adolescent delinquency and substance use. The seminar also focused on adolescence as a period of high diversity in routine activities and life events.
Click here for the program
Informatie-en discussiebijeenkomst 'Rondhangen en jeugdcriminaliteit' [Symposium on adolescent delinquency and youth 'hanging out']
February 5, 2015.
Symposium for practitioners and policy makers about groups of youths hanging out on the streets ("hangjongeren"). Organized for the Study of Peers, Activities, and Neighborhoods (SPAN;, financed by the NSCR.
Click here for the program
February 5, 2015.
Symposium for practitioners and policy makers about groups of youths hanging out on the streets ("hangjongeren"). Organized for the Study of Peers, Activities, and Neighborhoods (SPAN;, financed by the NSCR.
Click here for the program
Seminar 'Science and social media'
April 10, 2014
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes. Co-organized with Claire van den Eeden. Click here for the program
April 10, 2014
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes. Co-organized with Claire van den Eeden. Click here for the program
Workshop 'Time use research with smartphones'
December 10, 2013
The increasing popularity of smartphones enables new opportunities for data collection, in particular for data collection on time use. This afternoon aimed to explore the possibilities for time use research with smartphones by bringing together experts from different disciplines. Financed by CrimeLab NSCR. Click here for the program
December 10, 2013
The increasing popularity of smartphones enables new opportunities for data collection, in particular for data collection on time use. This afternoon aimed to explore the possibilities for time use research with smartphones by bringing together experts from different disciplines. Financed by CrimeLab NSCR. Click here for the program
Seminar 'De laatste loodjes' [The last miles]
October 2, 2013
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes.
Click here for the program.
October 2, 2013
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes.
Click here for the program.
Workshop 'Populair wetenschappelijk schrijven en gezonde stress' [Accessible academic writing and healthy stress]
March 7, 2013
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes. Co-organized with Elanie Rodermond, Liza Cornet and Heleen Janssen. Click here for the program.
March 7, 2013
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR and the VU school of criminology, financed by both institutes. Co-organized with Elanie Rodermond, Liza Cornet and Heleen Janssen. Click here for the program.
Annual meeting of the Peer Relations Researchers (PRO)
December 6, 2012
The PRO meeting is a yearly gathering for Dutch researchers who are interested in peer relations. The meetings are attended by researchers from different disciplines, specifically by developmental psychologists, sociologists and criminologists. The meeting is hosted by different universities, departments or institutes each year. I co-organized the meeting of December 2012 with Frank Weerman and Jeroen Pronk. The meeting was financed by ZonMW, NSCR and the VU Faculty of Psychology and Education. Click here for the program.
December 6, 2012
The PRO meeting is a yearly gathering for Dutch researchers who are interested in peer relations. The meetings are attended by researchers from different disciplines, specifically by developmental psychologists, sociologists and criminologists. The meeting is hosted by different universities, departments or institutes each year. I co-organized the meeting of December 2012 with Frank Weerman and Jeroen Pronk. The meeting was financed by ZonMW, NSCR and the VU Faculty of Psychology and Education. Click here for the program.
Seminar 'Gepromoveerd, en nu?' [Got my PhD. Now what?]
September 27, 2012
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR, financed by NSCR. Click here for the program.
September 27, 2012
Theme meeting for PhD-students at the NSCR, financed by NSCR. Click here for the program.
Landelijke Sociologie Dag [National Sociology Day]
March 7, 2008
This conference for Dutch sociology students was organized by all sociology study associations in the Netherlands (Usocia, Den Geitenwollen Soc, Versot, EOS and S.F.V. Cedo Nulli). I was involved in the organization as a member of the board of Sociëtas (study association of the department of sociology, University of Groningen).
March 7, 2008
This conference for Dutch sociology students was organized by all sociology study associations in the Netherlands (Usocia, Den Geitenwollen Soc, Versot, EOS and S.F.V. Cedo Nulli). I was involved in the organization as a member of the board of Sociëtas (study association of the department of sociology, University of Groningen).
Sociologie Carrièredag [Career Orientation in Sociology]
November 8, 2007
A symposium where graduated sociologists presented about their careers, to help students of the department of sociology, University of Groningen, with their career orientation. I was involved in the organization as a member of the board of Sociëtas (study association of the department of sociology, University of Groningen). Click here for the program.
November 8, 2007
A symposium where graduated sociologists presented about their careers, to help students of the department of sociology, University of Groningen, with their career orientation. I was involved in the organization as a member of the board of Sociëtas (study association of the department of sociology, University of Groningen). Click here for the program.