Posters |
PresentationsSituationele peer invloed en jeugdcriminaliteit [Situational peer influence and adolescent delinquency]
Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 16, 2017 Violent and non-violent conflicts
Workshop Interactionist analyses of violence Amsterdam, the Netherlands April 6, 2017 Hanging out with the wrong crowd?
Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) New Orleans, USA November 17, 2016 Rondhangen en jeugdcriminaliteit [Hanging out and juvenile delinquency]
Jubileum symposium Stichting Aanpak Overlast Amsterdam Amsterdam, the Nederlands October 31, 2016 Hanging out with the wrong crowd?
Biennial meeting of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Cádiz, Spain September 19, 2016 Time use and juvenile delinquency
Guest lecture for the course "Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van criminaliteit" [Onset and development of delinquency] Criminology, VU University Amsterdam Amsterdam, the Netherlands May 4, 2016 Hanging out and messing about: Elaborating on the relationship between unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency.
Seminar 'Situational explanations for adolescent deviance' Amsterdam, the Netherlands March 8, 2016 Hanging out with the wrong crowd?
Annual meeting of the Peer Relations Researchers (PRO) Nijmegen, the Netherlands January 28, 2016 Hanging out and messing about: Elaborating on the relationship between unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency.
Program group IIL, AISSR, University of Amsterdam (Invited presentation) Amsterdam, the Netherlands November 16, 2015 Rondhangen, foute vrienden en jeugdcriminaliteit: Rol van de aanwezige peers ['Hanging around' and juvenile delinquency: Role of the present peers]
Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 12, 2015 Unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency: Explaining and specifying an established relationship
Brown Bag Lunch Criminology, VU University Amsterdam (Invited presentation) Amsterdam, the Netherlands April 16, 2015 Time use and juvenile delinquency
Guest lecture for the course "Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van criminaliteit" [Onset and development of delinquency] Criminology, VU University Amsterdam Amsterdam, the Netherlands April 30, 2015 Unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency: Importance of the present peers
Theme group meeting NSCR Amsterdam, the Netherlands March 6, 2015 Waarom en wanneer hangt rondhangen samen met criminaliteit? [When and why is unstructured socializing related to crime?]
Informatie- en discussiebijeenkomst Rondhangen en jeugdcriminaliteit [Symposium for social workers, policemen, and other practitioners working with youth] Amsterdam, the Netherlands February 5, 2015 Beyond the borders of the residential neighborhood
Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) San Francisco, USA November 19, 2014 Space-Time Budgets in criminological research
Space Time Epi Group, University of Pennsylvania (Invited presentation) Philadelphia, USA November 7, 2014 Unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency: Explaining and specifying an established relationship
Brown Bag Lunch Criminology, Penn State University (Invited presentation) State College, USA September 15, 2014 Rondhangen en jeugdcriminaliteit ['Hanging around' and juvenile delinquency]
Jeugdgroepen anno 2014 [Youth groups in the year 2014] (Workshop for social workers, policemen, and other practitioners working with problem youth) Dordrecht, the Netherlands June 23, 2014 Buurtkenmerken, rondhangen met leeftijdsgenoten en jeugdcriminaliteit [Neighborhood characteristics, unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency]
Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 13, 2014 Why is involvement in unstructured socializing related to delinquency?
Annual meeting of the Peer Relations Researchers (PRO) Leiden, the Netherlands December 11, 2013 Waarom leidt rondhangen tot criminaliteit?
[Why does involvement in unstructured socializing lead to involvement in delinquency?] Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 2013 Functional settings of unstructured socializing and adolescent offending
Annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) Chicago, USA November 2012 Contexten van unstructured socializing en jeugdcriminaliteit
[Contexts of unstructured socializing and adolescent delinquency] Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 2012 Sociale omgeving, leeftijd en jeugdcriminaliteit: Situational Action Theory versus Interactionele Theorie
[Social environment, age and adolescent delinquency: Situational Action Theory versus Interactional Theory] Annual meeting of the Dutch Society for Criminology (NVC) Leiden, the Netherlands June 2011 Group dynamics
Guest lecture for the course "Sociale wetenschappen in Sociale Netwerk Analyse" [Social sciences in social network analysis] Police Academy Apeldoorn, the Netherlands 2010 |